Happy New Year 2012

December 30, 2011

As the new year fast approaches, even faster if you live in Samoa, I'd like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy New Year 2012.

It has been a tough year for businesses and no doubt 2012 will be just as tough. However there have been many positive stories and plenty of new opportunities for businesses. It is now the survival of the fittest, and to be honest, that is the way it should be.

Businesses should want to survive and be actively out there pushing themselves, reinventing and reinvigorating. We've seen 'traditional' businesses embrace social media and new technology with great success. We've also seen many 'new' businesses fail because they did not adapt quick enough.

There has been a huge surge in the discount type websites and deals. Many businesses feel this is a quick way to generate cash flow, however it does not build brand loyalty. Prime example is how Apple is still one of the most sought after brands, despite the fact their prices remain consistently higher than their competitors.

2012 will bring new and exciting challenges. There are plenty of ways to promote, reignite and push your business. There are no right and wrong rules of  marketing, the only failures businesses can make is when they fail to act.

For Six Degrees, we are planning some exciting new services as well as our continued involvement with Wiccle CMS Software, who have some exciting new developments of their own.

Join us on Facebook and Twitter to keep up with all the latest developments.


Eric Hennelly Flanagan
Six Degrees